+86 21 3388 7290
We need to move from:

We know that decisions about whether to relocate your pet can be very stressful.  The laws, regulations and guidelines relating to the importation of animals vary  in different countries and the process can be very complicated and time consuming. 

We recommend that you start thinking about your pets early in your relocation planning.  You will want to ensure that your cherished furry family members do not have to spend time away from you in quarantine. 

Yoo-Hoo Moving always put the interest of your pet in our first place . Let us know more about your pet –their character , favourite food , health converns etc .

Communication you and our consultants is essential as you know your pet better than anyone else in the world.

§ Are my pets healthy? Can they endure the trip?

§ Have my pets been vaccinated?

§ Are my pets up to date with vaccinations? What type of vaccinations

§ are required in the country I am going to?

§ What are the customs regulations in the country I am going to?


Where will my pet(s) travel in the aircraft?

Your pet(s) will travel in what is referred to as the “bulk bin” of the aircraft, a pressurized, heated and ventilated cargo hold of the aircraft, situated below the passenger compartments. Tie-down straps secure the travel container to the decking of the cargo compartments .

Should my pet(s) be given sedatives, tranquilizer, antihistamines, anti-anxiety drugs, etc prior to flight?

Veterinary authorities worldwide have established there is nothing to gain by the administration of various drugs to pets and animals being transported. In fact, just the opposite takes place; as adverse reactions can take place during flight that can be detrimental to the pets health; both immediate and long term.

 Will my traveling and relocating pet be stressed during the flight, and are there any aftereffects?

 Given pre-flight conditioning to the travel containers; reduced food intake, and understanding of the conditions of flight, the stress upon the pet is minimal, with no post-flight effects. The captain of the aircraft flying your pet is given a manifest of what is board the aircraft during flight. The temperature of the bulk bin is controlled by the Captain and the flight crew, assuring safe transport of your family pet.

When will my pet not be able to fly?

 Airlines will impose embargoes & suspensions for the acceptance of pets owing to temperatures at origin or destination below an acceptable temperature; as well as above certain temperatures. These weather and temperature embargoes are for the welfare of the pet and the animals accepted by the air carriers; and are not designed for passenger convenience.